A Life of Self-Education

Jacob Aurelus
3 min readMay 3, 2022

The school system is not going to teach your children anything except abject obedience, dependency, apathy and worst of all, godlessness. Self-education remedies that.

You have definitely heard someone say something along the lines of “Education doesn’t end when you are done with school.” They would be somewhat right, but we are assuming, in that statement, that education begins when school starts. This is nothing but a lie. Education is completely separate from the schooling that millions of Americans have received for 12 years of their lives. As a student myself, I have seen the effects of this so-called “education” in my friends I have gone to school with. They are afraid to challenge authority. They are generally conformist when it comes to cultural war topics, epsecially homosexuality. They are afraid to speak their minds on certain topics in public, as if they fear repercussions, particularly in the classroom. John Taylor Gatto speaks of this in his first work Dumbing Us Down:

Successful children do the thinking I assign them with a minimum of resistance and a decent show of enthusiasm. Of the millions of things of value to study, I decide what few we have time for. Actually, though, this is decided by my faceless employers. The choices are theirs — why should I argue? Curiosity has no important place in my work, only conformity.”

There is no true critical thinking when it comes to the school system. Regurgitation of narratives that are most likely false are what counts as critical thought. As a result, we are literally creating a population of lemmings: people that will take whatever the “experts” give them to repeat, and they will obediently do so because that is what they were trained to do. Who benefits from these circumstances? This benefits the government in the long run because they will have access to the minds of people trained to be sheep for years to come. Their assault on gender, sexuality, and ultimately God will be justified, in the minds of the well-schooled people, as a holy crusade against oppression.

How do we remedy this? Well, this issue requires more permanent and collective solutions, but in the individual sense, self-education is the best way to deal with it. We have to be able to admit that schools aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, but in the free time that we do have, as high school students, we need to truly educate ourselves in order to counteract this. We can educate ourselves in a multitude of ways. Here are some of them:

Read Books

There are many reasons to read, some of which I have already stated in my work Read More! , but another reason to read books is to educate yourself. There are a plethora of books on many topics that you can choose from and no one is forcing you to read them. You can learn about whatever you want. The possibilities are limitless.

Watching Videos

Videos are generally used for entertainment. However, there are educational videos, if you can believe it. There are many videos on different topics that can give you the basics of a topic or the nitty-gritty details of a topic (which aren’t that hard to find). The best site to find videos like that is YouTube-however restrictive it is. I cannot tell you how many lectures, sermons, and debates I have watched on YouTube. I have gleaned so much from those videos, for me to recount it all would take forever.


We can also learn by trying new things. Maybe we can try our hand at sports, craftsmanship, bushcraft or a plethora of neat skills that might be niche. You might make a mistake or two. That’s fine. Edison had to screw up the light bulb 100 times to get it right.

All in all, it will be these 3 mediums of true education that will dispel the sheep-like nature that has taken hold of the mind of the populace. The masses are currently in submission to a regime that does nothing for them and sells them out. However, if enough of them are able to “unschool” themselves, we might have a chance at bringing this country back to its former greatness.



Jacob Aurelus

A Christian conservative made to spread truth around the world.