The Case For Life

Jacob Aurelus
4 min readMar 10, 2023

Life is worthy of being protected, no matter what age or location

Every day, we hear of people dying in a multitude of ways. Whether it’s a fire, shooting, or natural disaster, we give up subtle moments of silence in respect for those people. Yet there is a group of people that die every day in astronomical numbers that don’t need to. The despicable thing is that if they were a little older, we would legally consider their induced deaths murder. They are unborn babies.

Now, I know what the reactions are:

“It’s not a human, it’s a fetus!”

“Abortion is a human right!”

“How dare you attack a woman’s right to choose!”

What I am here to provide is the pro-life response to these common pro-abortion retorts and show the logic of the pro-life position.

“It’s not a human, it’s a fetus!”

Firstly, fetus (when translated from Latin) means offspring or progeny. In terms of humans, the word fetus can only refer to the unborn children of humans. Humans can only give life to other humans. There has never been a recorded case in human history where a woman gave birth to a non-human. With this set of information, we have to logically deduce that the word human is a proper descriptor for a fetus. Secondly, this is a coping argument. The only reason that pro-choicers vehemently attempt to change the language of the conversation from “baby” to “fetus” is that it removes the humanity of the child that would prevent people from supporting abortion in the first place. It has been the abdication of nature and nature’s God that has brought statements like these into the limelight.

“Abortion is a human right!”

The idea of a human right is something that has gripped the interest of the West for a long time, and not for no reason. The West has gone through slavery and a plethora of social revolutions. However, the West has gone from a negative understanding of rights (aka natural rights) to a positive understanding of rights (rights are given by the state). Proponents of abortion either don’t believe in a Creator or modify their understanding of a Creator in order to defend this view of abortion being a human right. In the Declaration of Independence, it states that we all have “the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This is the only way in which humans can flourish. So, in reality, the opposite of this statement is true. Beyond any modification of proper metaphysics, abortion is the inversion of the human rights we should all have.

“How dare you attack a woman’s right to choose!”

We place limitations on people’s choices all the time. That is the definition of a law. People love to take the Founders’ idea of freedom and corrupt its meaning. The colloquial phrase of “this is a free country” is abused to dismiss any engagement in immoral acts as a totally defensible act of free will. This phrase leads us to believe that anything is permissible, when we know that isn’t the case. We do not have the right to choose whatever we want. As we have established earlier, the fetus is a human being. Outside of the womb, the ending of an innocent human life is identified as murder. No person, whether it be a man or woman, has the legal or moral right to choose to murder another human being.

Let me provide you with a syllogism in order to show the simplicity and logic of the pro-life argument.

  1. Human life is worthy of being defended.
  2. Only human beings can give birth to human beings.
  3. Fetuses are then human beings.
  4. Fetuses are worthy of being defended.
  5. Abortion kills fetuses.
  6. Abortion is in opposition to the defense of fetuses.
  7. Abortion is then against human life.

It is really that simple. I encourage you to remove any bias you may have towards the pro-life case and look at it for what it is. If you need further explanation, there are many videos by pro-life organizations that at the very least explain, if not prove, the pro-life case. Some of them are Students for Life, Young Americans for Freedom, LiveAction, and PragerU. In order to maneuver in this focal point in our culture, we depend on being properly informed. Our country’s understanding of humanity and its very existence depends on it.



Jacob Aurelus

A Christian conservative made to spread truth around the world.