The Downfall of Protestant Christianity

Jacob Aurelus
2 min readMar 24, 2021

“Reverend” Brandan Robertson calls Jesus racist in a viral TikTok and other cases of liberal Christianity

The church has been in disarray. We have allowed the government to lull us into a sleep we desperately need to wake up from. We have been doing church digitally from our homes. (It wouldn’t surprise me if Big Tech went after churches online, they have already went after Focus on the Family for “anti-LGBTQ+” tweets.) We have fallen far from the greats like Luther, Spurgeon, Eliot, Lewis and the like. We have allowed the culture of the world to take the place it should have been running from: the church.

Take “Reverend” Brandan Robertson for example. He refers to Mark 7 and the story of the Syrophoenician Woman. The fact that it was about Jesus rewarding the woman for understanding his analogy of salvation and her faith aside, he says, “He calls her a dog. What’s amazing about this account is that the woman doesn’t back down. She speaks truth to power. She confronts Jesus and says, ‘Well, you can think that about me, but even dogs deserve the crumbs from the table.’ Her boldness and bravery to speak truth to power actually changes Jesus’ mind. Jesus repents of his racism and extends healing to this woman’s daughter, I love this story because it’s a reminder that Jesus is human. He had prejudices and biases and when confronted with it he was willing to do his work, and this woman was willing to stand up and speak truth to power.”

He doesn’t mention that the Greek word for dog (kunarion) means puppy, so there is no way Jesus mean this in a derogatory manner. Whoever taught this guy to exegete the Bible, their theology degree should be revoked. It still continues to confuse me why this stance would be taken seriously either. If Jesus commands us to love one another, why would God in the flesh not follow that commandment himself. This is especially since he is the embodiment of love. This is just one case of a liberal Christian distorting the Bible.

Some liberal Christians, and liberals in general, have a tendency to call any challenge to an idea they have racist. For example, a woman that identifies her self as a stoner and a Wiccan on Twitter has called Liberty Hangout, Kaitlin Bennett’s company, racist for questioning Martin Luther. In her own confusion, this Twitter “libtard” (as she calls herself), thinks the tweet is about Martin Luther King, the civil rights activist, instead of Martin Luther the Christian Reformer.

I have a case to bring to liberal ‘Christians’: just stop. Look at the Bible contextually and hermeneutically. Stop using the Bible to support your religion, because it’s definitely not Christianity, it’s critical race theory. Apparently, not even Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Redeemer of the world, isn’t perfect in the eyes of the critical race theory cult. So, in sum, “Reverend” Brandan Robertson is no reverend. Stop using God’s name in vain, because this religion you have is not Christianity.



Jacob Aurelus

A Christian conservative made to spread truth around the world.